Sunday, June 19, 2011

McCain to GOP: I Still Don't Understand Isolationism

Ron Paul schooled Senator McCain on national television during the South Carolina GOP debate in 2008. Responding to an attack by John McCain, calling Paul an isolationist, Paul said, "He doesn't even know the difference between Isolationism and Non-interventionism. I am not an Isolationist." McCain did not learn his lesson it appears. McCain has called out almost every candidate in the GOP primaries this year.

"We cannot repeat the lessons of the 1930s, when the United States of America stood by while bad things happened in the world," McCain told ABC's "This Week". McCain also said, "There's always been an isolationist strain in the Republican Party, the Pat Buchanan wing of our party. But now it seems to have moved more center stage, so to speak."

Again Mr. McCain (And those who believe in his out right lies), there is a huge difference between Isolationism and non-interventionism. Isolationism is a foreign policy were a country wants to wall themselves entirely off from the rest of the world. This includes trading, economic agreements and military alliances. Isolationists want absolutely nothing to do with any nation outside of their own. That is not what non-interventionists are. Non-interventionists still want open trade with foreign nations. They still want to be diplomatic and friends. They simply do not think a nation has the right to interfere in another nation's internal affairs. They also believe the only just war is a war in self-defense. In other words, they want to be diplomatic trade partners and friends will all other nations, but they just don't see a rational reason to get entangled in their internal issues.

And they are right. There is absolutely no reason to get involved in the internal affairs of another nation. When the U.S. takes its military overseas it creates more of a mess and doesn't help anything. The government has turned Iraq into a hotbed for terrorists and are killing civilians in Libya. Yes. NATO invaded Libya on the grounds that they were trying to help the citizens revolt against their dictator. But how do you help them by killing them?

Look at this man, America. Now look at Sarah Palin. Now back McCain. Now at yourself. These two idiots who can barely form sentences almost because the leaders of our country. Wouldn't that have been a goddamn shame.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Obama Sends Letter to Congress and What it Means to the Nation

Congress has been hounding President Obama over unanswered questions regarding the President's war in Libya. One of the issues is the legality of the war. Congress is worried that the President is overstepping his legal authority in Libya. Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) sent a letter to Obama explaining he legally only has until Sunday to get congressional approval for the war. If he doesn't then he must immediately begin to withdraw all forces from Libya. On Wednesday Obama responded to Congress in a letter defending his operations in the Country.

In the letter, Obama claimed he had no legal reason to get approval from congress despite the Constitution and the Wars Power Resolution. He cited a U.N resolution saying members could invade countries to prevent catastrophes or humanitarian crisis. So what he is saying is that an unelected body can overrule the Constitution and laws created by Congress.

This is what we would expect from a nation that is transforming into a dictatorship. Over the past one hundred years the executive branch has taken more and more from the Legislative branch. It has the ability to create laws through "executive decisions" and not just enforce laws passed by congress. And now we see the President completely disregarding Congressional approval for military actions as dictated by the United States of America's laws.

We are on a really fucking dangerous slope, folks. The more power a single man takes away from the other branches the less freedom you and I will end up having.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011